George Washington Lodge # 181
Free & Accepted Masons
120 Louisville Main Street
Louisville, TN 37777

Stated Meeting is the first Friday of every month @ 7pm

How does one become a Mason?
Many men live a lifetime and never know they must ask for admission to the worlds oldest, most purposeful and greatest fraternity. They do not realize that they will not be invited. They must come in of their own free will and accord, without persuasion. They must ask a Mason for a petition. The prescribed requirements for membership in Tennessee are: being a man, at least 18 years of age, having a belief in a Supreme Being and in the immortality of the soul, being capable of reading and writing, being of good moral character, having been a resident of Tennessee for at least one year preceding the presentation of his petition, and being recommended by two Master Mason members of the Lodge to which he desires to apply plus, two references who may or may not be Masons.
Visiting a lodge in person makes a great first impression!
You can get a petition from a lodge or Mason. Alternatively, you can download or print one out from the links below and bring it to a lodge or give it to a Mason who belongs to the lodge you would like to join.
If you would like to join our lodge, simply stop by around 6:00 pm on the First Friday of any month (no later than 6:45 pm)… come into the dinning hall area and we will be more than happy to get you a petition, answer questions and meet you! There is a $20 non-refundable fee for a full background check (this is required of all Tennessee Masonic Lodges). Upon completion of the background check, you will receive a receipt and the background check.
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Petition for the 3 Degrees
* Information on this page is courtesy of the Grand Lodge of TN and Oriental Lodge #453

Be of high moral standing.
Have a belief in “God” or “Supreme Being” (a specific religious faith is not required).
Belief in the “immortality” of the soul.
Must be at least 18 years of age.
Be capable of reading and writing.
Be a legal resident of Tennessee for at least 1 year.
Be recommended by two Master Mason members of the Lodge which you desire to join.
Supply two references who may or may not be Masons.
Pass the required multi-state background check.
Be unanimously voted in by all Master Mason brothers of the lodge.
Requirements to

George Washington
James Monroe
Andrew Jackson
James K. Polk
James Buchanan
Andrew Johnson
James Garfield
William McKinley
Theodore Roosevelt
William Taft
Warren Harding
Franklin D. Roosevelt
Harry S. Truman
Lyndon B. Johnson (EAM)
Gerald Ford
Masonic Presidents
Of the USA